are you ready to make 2020 your year?

are you ready to make 2020 your year fxywlf.png

There are less than 4 weeks left in the year, how will you use them?

Become a Manifesting Queen and step into the 2020 New Year in alignment with the soulful connection, confidence, clarity, and a high vibration - - to attract and manifest all of your desires.

To celebrate the launch of my Coaching program, I’m offering a chance to kick-start your new year filled with abundance and soul — in all areas of your life.

My 1 Month package includes 4 x Coaching Sessions for your investment of only $1111!

Psst… by signing up now you'll get over $200 in savings!

In the Coaching Packages, we'll cover:

  • Raising your energetic vibration – introduction, your manifesting tool-kit and setting yourself up for success in getting what you want with inspired action and intentions.

  • Co-creating with the Universe; Mastering the Laws of the Universe. Such as the Laws of Action, Law of Attraction, Law of Perpetual Transmutation and Law of Vibration.

  • Alignment – getting specific with your intentions and desires for manifesting and learn how to stay in alignment; understand vibration, frequency and synchronicity vs. resistance.

  • Discover your connection to your soul, how to speak its language and harness it for optimized manifesting powers.

  • Mindset – reprogramming your mindset for high self worth, abundance and success; we explore core wounds and patterns in our behaviour and way of thinking that affect our quality of life and wellbeing.

  • Proven Road Maps to Success and Soulful Spirituality + Manifesting – you receive a proven roadmap of Magical Rituals Level 1 + 2, that I have used over and over in my life & taught thousands of people to rapidly, drastically transform their lives.

Are you ready to make 2020 YOUR year?


And ps, let’s connect. I’m on all the social medias.

I thank God for finding a way out of my own darkness, seeing myself beyond my crap and finding a supporting way of being through it.

I love to do that for people. (Learn more: life-coaching).

If you are feeling low, uninspired, disconnected, depressed -- don’t suffer any longer, contact me.

I have spots for a few more clients and would love to help you. Sign up.

Remember follow your bliss. You are good enough. You are worthy of having all that you desire and more.

I love you,

♡ T x