how to find time to do magic

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Hi loves,

Question for you…

What is the VERY hardest thing to do when you’re trying to influence your reality (ie. in life)? 

No, it isn’t figuring out what you want.

That’s not hard.

It’s time.

Finding the TIME to learn and get everything done is incredibly hard. When you’re working a full-­time job or are a full-time parent or care-giver, it seems impossible. 

When the day comes, you have grandiose plans for all the free time you’ll have. WRONG!

That kind of mindset is 1000x worse because you are letting yourself drift and continue to let your subconscious mind make the decisions for everything that happens in your life. 

Not only that, but the present moment is all there is.

One day will never come.

It’s only in the present that you can influence your future.

To find time, you must begin now. Make an effort now to pay attention to the magic already around you - and be deliberate about everything you do.

How you “find time” is: you start by using the time you are already given WISELY. That is why over the past 4+ years I’ve been maniacal about coming up with a way and a practical system that practically forces me to see things differently.

This kind of framework has taken me over 16 years to research, gain experience and put together.

Now, I’ve become so immersed in the liminal nature of reality, that I see connections and messages everywhere.

I couldn’t avoid the flow if I wanted to. 

The way that I see it is I couldn’t take the magic out of my everyday normal life if I tried.

Question for you...

What do you need to change about yourself in order to reach your goal? 

Yesterday I asked a few of you that question. 

The answers were awesome: 

  • “Believing in my own power”

  • “Dealing with distracting thoughts.” 

  • “Finding a way to incorporate it into daily life.” 

  • “How to differentiate if the messages I’m receiving are ego-based or intuitively guided.”

  • “How do I know where to go from here.”

  • “How to not feel so disconnected.”

  • “The habit of practicing / doing the work.”

Put simply: You need to EXECUTE and start figuring that out (^^^ as I mentioned above).

My course (Magical Rituals: Radical Magic) will give you an incredible mental framework to do just that - to dive in each day and practice hands on with each lesson to see for yourself. This framework has helped me get past mental hurdles. Remember, I’ve been there and so have many of my students.

All the stuff you struggle with...

  • Doing things “perfectly”.

  • Needing outside validation. 

  • Navigating the HIGH highs and LOW lows. 

  • Making it through the dark night of the soul.

I honestly feel that my course should be MANDATORY reading for anyone who is about to start on this journey, start manifesting with intent, or doing anything that will raise their anxiety level (like attempting to start their own business). 

Why am I able to have a successful home and family life, run my own business, coach clients, create courses, blog regularly, and create and manifest multiple miracles all the time? 

My system is extremely good. I’ve put my entire system into an easy-­to-­follow bundle for you so that you can be immersed in the magic in just 40 days. 

Because “magic” isn’t just one part of your life that you do sometimes, it’s really everything that you are and do.

You can dig into the course content at your own pace — it isn’t going anywhere. You get immediate access to the super important pre-work. The subsequent modules are released daily thereafter.

In this course package you’ll get... 

▲ Daily meditations, assignments & affirmations.
▲ 40 (truly life changing) lessons.
▲ Recordings for each of the lessons.
▲ Daily (fun!) homework.
▲ Lifetime access & Unlimited replays.
▲ Exclusive access to the Private FB Group.
▲ 8-weeks of Unlimited Consulting (Directly With Me). 
▲ Access to Gratitude Magic.
▲ Access to the 12 Laws of Magic masterclass.

You must have it. 

How do you get all of this? Easy. Enroll for Magical Rituals: Radical Magic. When you do, I’ll send you immediate access to everything. So stop procrastinating and go enroll now. You can begin your journey in the next 5 minutes. 

♡ T x

PS. The 48-hour synchronicity challenge is rocking along well!! Got 25 people reporting in in the first 3 hours. That is ridiculously amazing! 

I’m not surprised! Keep it up!

PPS. If this resonates with you, I suggest you join my newsletter list by entering your email in the forms on this site so we can stay in touch.